Special audits - Something “extra” is sometimes required
Special audits are stipulated by the German Stock Corporation Act, the German Commercial Code and the German Transformation Act for certain individual case scenarios – these can include e.g. foundation audits, contribution in kind audits in the case of startups, and transformation audits.
Special audits can also benefit purchasers or sellers in the case of corporate transactions, e.g. as part of an “asset deal”, because they deliver reliable data on the determination of the purchase price, or for guarantees to be agreed as part of sales agreements.
We not only provide our clients with advice on the specialist aspects, but also provide them with support with timing and on the organisational side because deadlines usually have to be complied with, and restructuring measures can also influence the accounting and commercial workflows within a company.
We also take part in the system for quality control which is a prerequisite for implementing certain special audits (certification) and we are therefore registered as auditor in the professional register of German Chamber auf Auditors according to § 38 Nr. 2f WPO (German Public Accountants Act).