Wholesale and retail
Cars and automotive parts, clothing, IT, equipment and electronics, and the health sector – our wholesale and retail clients are active in these sectors locally, nationally and internationally.
Our consultation work not only focuses on the company and pure tax aspects, but also, importantly, the owners and their families, and take into consideration commercial issues which impact on the businesses and the owners in different ways. Because what is good for the company is not always automatically good for the owner. The investment in new warehouse capacity for instance can benefit the development of a company, but at the same time, it frequently also increases the personal liability of the owner for any new loans which may be involved. The aim here is to maintain a proper balance, and to find a solution which properly meets the needs of both the company and the owner. Other aspects concern things like the “proper” legal form, the financial consequences of modifying the product spectrum, the size of shareholder loans within the company, avoiding or “limiting” losses, opening or closing locations at home and abroad, as well as the acquisition or sale of companies and parts of companies, or transferring ownership to the next generation ...
Reaching these commercial decisions and implementing them, benefits from our wealth of experience and know-how from many years of practical consulting activities. In addition to answering pure tax questions, this includes capital needs and liquidity planning, profitability calculations, the implementation of corporate planning and control systems, as well as cost accounting systems.