Industry and trades
Wood processing, plastic and metal processing, textile production, construction and building trades, food and luxury food – the sectors are as diverse as the legal forms of the companies (GmbH & Co. KG, GmbH, GmbH & Still, AG, individual entrepreneur), in which the companies we advise are working.
Our focus is on the company, the owner and their families. Questions of tax are just one of the aspects. What is good for the company can be bad for the owner, and vice versa – from a tax as well as a commercial point of view. For instance, a loan authorised for the company can expose the owner to a high level of personal liability. Other questions concern the “right” legal form, the profitability of investments in new machines and installations, the financial consequences of changes in the product spectrum, the size of shareholder loans within the company, the liability of the owner for company loans, avoiding or “limiting” losses, opening or closing locations at home and abroad, as well as the acquisition or sale of companies and parts of companies, or transferring ownership to the next generation ...
Reaching these commercial decisions and implementing them, benefits from our wealth of experience and know-how from many years of practical consulting activities. In addition to answering pure tax questions, this includes capital needs and liquidity planning, profitability calculations, the implementation of corporate planning and control systems, as well as cost accounting systems.