Matthias Smeddinck
Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH)
Auditor, Tax consultant
If you want to know where you are going, you have to know where you stand...
Those charting a course to achieve a successful future, must not only know where the journey takes them – they should also know the starting point, the place where they are currently located. All too many of us today prefer to focus solely on the goal – but how can we plan the route forward if we do not look around to see where we actually stand and are starting from?
As an auditor and tax consultant I see myself as a kind of navigator. My intention is to create a valid starting point and location assessment for our clients, and to then use experience, knowledge, prudence and strategic insight to chart a course for the future – and without any time-consuming and expensive detours and rough seas.
I planned my own career path in a similar strategic way: I gained my first practical professional experience by training as a wholesale and export clerk, and during my two year’s activity in this firm of tax consultants as part of my sandwich course. After gaining my degree in business administration in Münster, I spent nine years working for one of the Big Four auditing companies in Düsseldorf and Berlin. This enabled me to collect valuable experience in auditing and consulting, also for medium-sized clients – which allowed me to develop a good feeling for what works and does not work. I also worked in the General Policy Department in Berlin for two years. I then returned to my roots in Rheine in summer 2013.
My work mainly focuses on auditing and preparing consolidated and annual financial statements, as well as special audits. I also advise our clients in all other tax and commercial aspects – as a competent partner. As the navigator.