Risk management - What happens when...
Markets go in a different direction to that expected, commodity prices rise, strike action stops production ... anything possible can happen – and put companies into a very uncomfortable position. Publicly listed companies are therefore obliged by law to implement risk management systems. But it also makes sense for many other companies to deal with this subject early on, so that they are equipped to face the major challenges which could arise if the worst happens. And these situations can arise faster than one thinks in these times of growing delegation and complexity.
Risk management takes a detailed look at different scenarios – potential internal and external risks to which the company is exposed are seamlessly assessed and evaluated. They form the basis for a plan of measures for active risk control. If a risk then actually manifests itself, the risk management plan provides all of the most important decision making criteria very quickly to steer the company safely through the crisis.
We assist our clients in the establishment and maintenance of a risk management system. We do this by not only working very closely together with the companies themselves, but also with experts from other disciplines (insurance companies, engineers, lawyers, etc.).